July 1, 2005

The Taxpayers Can Still Bend Over a Little Further, Can't They, Bill?

San Diego City politics is awhirl because of corruption, and the granting of outrageous and bank-breaking pension benefits to public employees.

The same has happened in Orange County, still spending 90 mil a year to pay for its previous bankruptcy. In spite of warnings from John Moorlach, who warned about the previous BK before it happened, the Supervisors voted 3-2 for a pension deal that will really break the bank. One of the majority was Bill Campbell, a supposed conservative.

The Grand Jury came out with a report that details just how bad things are, as discussed here with a plethora of links for those who wish to delve.

The Register, on its blog, which appears not to have permalinks yet (and I didn't know existed until this a.m.) has been using the "R" word, for recall, as to sometime conservative Bill Campbell. This, OC Blog's Jubal (probably rightly) thinks is a non-starter.

Is this a case of things having to get much worse before they get better? It's part of a dysfunctional system. OC has been a one-party county for years, leading to an unresponsive government. It's made worse by the fact that there are only 5 supes in a county of 3 million, meaning only the well-connected and well-financed (by developers and the public employee unions, mostly) get elected, and there's rarely real competition for a seat.

Some have talked about some kind of lawsuit, but it's not illegal for elected officials to be stupid, even cosmically stupid, and remember, we don't want judges deciding things like this? Or do we, if we get the result we want?

Would another BK allow the County to repudiate the deal? Chapter Nine experts (both of you), let us know.

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